A Web-based tool for multi-modal exploration of Non-Fungible Token Inspiration Networks
SONAR is conceived to support both creators and traders in the Web3 through an interactive visualization of inspiration driven connections between NFTs, at both individual level and collection level.
You can find a demo presentation of the tool here and contact me for further details!
LawNet-Viz: A Web-Based System to Visually Explore Networks of Law Article References
Lucio La Cava, Andrea Simeri, and Andrea Tagarelli
In Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2022
We present LawNet-Viz, a web-based tool for the modeling, analysis and visualization of law reference networks extracted from a statute law corpus. LawNet-Viz is designed to support legal research tasks and help legal professionals as well as laymen visually exploring the article connections built upon the explicit law references detected in the article contents. To demonstrate LawNet-Viz, we show its application to the Italian Civil Code (ICC), which exploits a recent BERT-based model fine-tuned on the ICC. LawNet-Viz is a system prototype that is planned for product development.
@inproceedings{LaCava2022SIGIR,author={La Cava, Lucio and Simeri, Andrea and Tagarelli, Andrea},title={LawNet-Viz: A Web-Based System to Visually Explore Networks of Law Article References},year={2022},isbn={9781450387323},publisher={Association for Computing Machinery},address={New York, NY, USA},doi={10.1145/3477495.3531668},booktitle={Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},pages={3300–3305},numpages={6},keywords={network analysis and visualization, deep language models, law article citation networks, artificial intelligence and law},location={Madrid, Spain},series={SIGIR '22},bibtex_show=true}